Friday, August 12, 2016

Let's Go to the Garden

Recently the fam and I road tripped to Ohio to visit my parents and sister for a week. It was so great to visit with everyone, especially since a majority of my extended family also lives in that area. They live in the cutest little town that always has so many family friendly events going on, so needless to say we definitely took advantage of it all. One of Harlow's favorite activities was going on adventures around the 577 foundation.

The 577 foundation is a public park that is full of beautiful flowers, a greenhouse, a kids play area, and a river walk, among many other things. It is a magical place that makes you fall in love with the beauty of nature over and over again. 

It's always been really important to my husband and I that Harlow loves and understands the wonder and importance of the outdoors. In today's world it is way to easy to get so wrapped up in technology that enjoying nature becomes and afterthought. 

Needless to say, the 577 foundation really amplified Harlow's love of exploring. The children area is so great for all ages, and it will definitely be a stop for us overtime we visit!

If you ever find yourself in Northwest Ohio, do yourself a favor and swing by!


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