About Me

Hi, I'm Ally, a 26 year old from the Midwest. I love baking, crafting, reading, working out, and enjoying all of the adventures that life throws my way. My adventures almost always include my trusty sidekicks, Matt, Harlow, and Drogo. Matt is my super awesome husband, who hails from Texas. We have been married for just over 3 years...and let me tell you, it's been a crazy ride! Two and a half years ago, we decided that we needed a little puppy love in our life. The next day we went out and adopted our Great Dane, Drogo (Yea, I know what you are thinking...we are most definitely Game of Thrones nerds).

Less than a week after getting the lovely Drogo, we found out that we were pregnant. Which brings me to Harlow. She is our beautiful, smart, strong-willed, crazy kiddo. I can't imagine my life without these 3 in it!

Matt and I are still figuring out life as first time parents, so needless to say that life in the our house is quite the adventure. Welcome to our crazy little life!


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