Sunday, July 31, 2016

Super Soft, Delicious Cut-out Sugar Cookies

Who doesn't go crazy over a good sugar cookie? Seriously, they are so good! For as long as I can remember, my sister and I have been making these cookies with my mom for every occasion. Christmas? Break out the sugar cookies! Easter? Hello, sugar cookies! College football Saturday? Cut-out sugar cookies! Random Tuesday? You guessed it...sugar cookies! Sounds crazy, right? But it's not, because they really are THAT good. Recently we whipped up a batch for Harlow's and Julie's Flowers and Flamingos party.

So, without further ado, here is the recipe, so that you can enjoy these with your family and friends too!

Every Occasion Sugar Cookies

Cookie ingredients:

     3 C. All-purpose Flour
     3/4 t. Baking soda
     3/4 t. Baking Powder
     1/4 t. salt
     1 C. Salted Butter
     2 Large eggs
     1 C. Sugar

Buttercream frosting ingredients:

     1/3 C. Salted butter, softened
     2 C. Powdered sugar
     1 t. Madagascar burbon vanilla extract *
     1/4 t. Salt
     2-3 T. Milk **

*You can use regular vanilla extract instead, but it won't be as flavorful

**start with 2 T and add more slowly to get the consistency that you desire

*** Yes, I know that most sugar cookie and buttercream frosting recipes don't use salted butter, but trust me, it gives the cookies that extra little boost that will have people asking left and right for the recipe.


1. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. 

2. Cut it butter.

3. In a separate bowl, mix eggs and sugar.

4. Add the dry ingredients and mix until everything is throughly combined. 

5. Refrigerate 4-6 hours (you can throw it in the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour in a pinch).

6. Pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

7. Roll out dough on a floured surface, until you reach a thickness of 1/4 inch. Cut out and bake for 7-9 minutes, or until the bottoms edges of your cookies are slightly golden. Let cool.

8. Combine all frosting ingredients in a bowl. Mix together until your desired consistency is reached. add in your food coloring and get creative with your cookie designs! 
