Saturday, April 30, 2016

Harlow and Aunt Julie's Flowers and Flamingos Birthday Party

     Can you believe how fast time flies?! Just a little bit ago, Little Miss Harlow turned one. I can't believe that it has already been a year since she was born. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. We thought we'd throw a small party to celebrate, especially since Aunt Julie was coming to visit on her birthday, as well. I thought that a flowers and flamingos themed party was perfect for my two favorite birthday girls. 

No party is complete without flower crowns for the birthday girls to wear while they eat their cake and flamingo cookies and drink pink lemonade. Harlow did so great at keeping her crown on the whole time. I guess having her wear headbands all the time has payed off!

How cute are these two?! H absolutely adores her Aunt Julie!

These Flamingo cookies were so delicious! I found the cookie cutter here and click here for my super soft sugar cookie recipe. 

Flora the Flamingo is awesome! Harlow is obsessed with it! SO cute. 

Just a few weeks ago I decided to start watercoloring again, which was PERFECT for this cute little flamingo picture party decoration. The frame was an inexpensive wooden cutout that I found at Michael's which I then spray painted pink to match. After the paint dried I just hot glued a few flowers on and VOILA, done!

Julie chose to have champagne cake for her birthday treat, so I used this great recipe to make that happen. It was perfect!!

Happy Birthday Baby Bear, I love you more than you could ever know. 


  1. Oh my god! This is adorable! I loved everything about this blog. The decorations, the flamingo theme and the cute little baby. I actually got some good ideas for my niece’s birthday party. I have already booked one of the prettiest New York venues for the celebration.
