Sunday, October 2, 2016

Where The Wild Things Are Printable

Every night before Harlow goes to sleep, we let her pick out a book for us to read to her. Cuddling up with her and a great children's book is one of the best parts of my day. Recently she has been really hooked on the classic, Where The Wild Things Are. Of course, I absolutely love this, since my parents used to read it to my siblings and me when we were kids. Her love of the book is so contagious, making me fall in love with it all over again. So naturally, I just had to break out my craft stuff and let that rediscovered love fuel my creativity.  

Since I know that Harlow and I can't be the only Where The Wild Things Are lovers out there, I am making my artwork available as a free printable. Want this beauty in your house? Download it here.

**This artwork was made by me, and is intended for your personal use only.