Saturday, May 28, 2016

Off to Ohio State University (For the Weekend)

Harlow and I made a quick trip to Columbus, Ohio a few weeks ago for my sister, Julie's, graduation. Yes, you read that right...a few weeks ago...I've been slacking on posting this, but hey, better late than never, right?

Anyways, we are so proud of Julie for graduating with her bachelor's in mechanical engineering. You are going to do so many great things in life, starting with rocking law school next year! 

Since graduation wasn't until Sunday, we got to spend our Saturday exploring the beautiful city of Columbus. Our first stop was North Market, which is an AMAZING covered market filled with any restaurant and shop you can imagine. Seriously, if you ever find yourself anywhere close, do yourself a favor and stop. I promise, you won't regret it. Harlow especially loved the waffle cone left over from my Churro ice cream from Jeni's Ice Cream. 

After North Market, we all wandered around the surrounding area, which is filled with unique shops and bars. Little Miss H caught a ride on Uncle Nick's shoulders, while I shopped (I know, me, shopping...SHOCKING...not). Quite the treat since we don't get to see him often. 

We ended the day at a meade bar, Brother's Drake. Everything there was so delicious! So much so, that I ended up buying a few bottles to take home for the Hubster. Needless to say, he loved the surprise! Pro tip: Add an ounce of whiskey to apple pie meade, especially if it is super sweet...try it, straight up magic. 

Sunday we ventured out to The Shoe, OSU's famous football stadium. Ohio State is a huge school, so naturally, it was packed for the graduation festivities. Harlow got to put her new favorite thing, enthusiastically clapping, to good use, cheering for Aunt Julie...and taking a few play breaks to run around the stadium walkways. 

Seriously, look at how crazy the stadium is!!

It was such a blessing to be able to celebrate Julie's huge accomplishment with everyone! Congrats Aunt Julie, we love you!